- NTM-centralerna
- Alueen tila ja näkymät
- Aluekehittäminen
- Organisaatio
- Suunnittelu ja seuranta
- Projektit ja hankkeet
- Arvokkaat vesistömme
- Lapin ilmasto- ja energiastrategia -hanke
- Strategista kasvua muutoksessa (ESR+ -hanke)
- Tiehankkeet
- Päättyneet hankkeet
- Asiakkaat työllisyyden ja soten yhdyspinnoilla
- Clean drinking water and healthy environment for Sortavala
- Hyvä työpaikka Lapissa (ESR-hanke)
- EMRA – Environmental Planning, Measures and Restauration Actions in Regulated Water systems, Swedish-Finnish Cross-Border-project in the Arctic Region
- Harvaan asuttujen alueiden matkailuhankehaku
- Expert-hanke
- Koordinoiden rakennemuutokseen ja kohtaantoon (ESR-hanke)
- Joint Environmental Management of the River Tana (Tenojoen Interreg -hanke)
- Planering och uppföljning
- Osaavaa työvoimaa työyhteisö- ja kumppanuusverkostoilla
- Paatsjoen monitoimisuunnitelma -hanke
- Pohjoinen älykäs kasvu Arctic Smart Growth (ASG)
- TTY - Tuottavuutta ja työhyvinvointia -palvelu (ESR-hanke)
- ReArc
- Työhyvinvointia digiajassa
- Etänä Lapissa: Jyväskylästä Ylläkselle
- Etänä Lapissa: toinen koti Jeesiössä
- Etänä Lapissa: idyllinen Pyhä
- Etänä Lapissa: Australiasta Rovaniemelle
- Etänä Lapissa: Maksniemen arkea
- Etänä Lapissa: mahdollisuuksien Levi
- Verkostosta elinvoimaa yrityksille - SYP 2.0 (ESR-hanke)
- Tehtävät ja toiminta
Digital marketing for entrepreneurs in Lapland
Small enterprises in Lapland can join a free training on how to improve their social media marketing and sales. Service is provided in English.
The clinic will include a 3-hour joint Teams event on 22.8.23 followed by 4 hours of company-specific training time with the service provider, marketing office Seven-1.
In the clinic, you will receive a comprehensive information package on digital marketing and how to reach potential customers more effective. After the clinic, you will have a clearer vision of how to use your own digital marketing channels.
Joint Teams event on 22.8.23
Covered topics
- Defining the target group and identifying your own customer segments: going through definition of the target group, identifying their needs, preferences, and behavior in the digital environment.
- Objectives: how to define the company's objectives
- Metrics to monitor progress towards the objectives.
- Budget: how to define a budget that is realistic for your objectives. How do you set a budget to achieve your goals, taking into account the costs of the different digital marketing channels?
- Content: how to create attractive, high-quality content that will engage your target audience. How to create content that appeals to the target audience and helps achieve the chosen objectives.
- Channels: how to choose the right marketing channels to reach the right target audience. How to choose the right channels to reach the target audience effectively.
- Potential campaigns: how to design a campaign that is in line with the company's brand how to measure the effectiveness of the campaign and when to make a campaign that is consistent with the brand's brand. How to determine the campaign's impact and when to make changes.
- Tools: language translation tools, artificial intelligence
- Marketing management, process and responsibilities
- The need for continuous evolution of the brand's digital presence.
Company-specific training time
Four hours of personal training time
The aim of the company-specific clinic coaching is to create an efficient and holistic presence that attracts customers and helps the business grow.
The company-specific sessions will focus on the company's digital presence. In practice this means the company's visibility and activity on different digital platforms and channels, such as websites, social media, search engines and email marketing. Digital presence enables you to reach your business through a wider audience, communicate with customers and offer a product or service to them.
As a result of the company-specific clinic coaching, participating companies will have an understanding of of their own customer segments and their ability to reach these target groups.
Further information and registration
Content in a nutshell
What: "Digital marketing for entrepreneurs in Lapland" - clinic. Instructor marketing office Seven-1.
When: Event with Teams connection on 22.8.2023 at 9.00-12.00, company-specific coaching times of two times two hour (=4 h) will be agreed with the trainer after the Teams event.
Cost: The service is free of charge for companies and counts as "de minimis" aid.
For whom: Micro and small and medium-sized enterprises in Lapland. Maximum of 10-15 participants.
The service is part of the "Verkostosta elinvoimaa yrityksille - SYP 2.0" - ESF project of the ELY Centre of Lapland.
Registration by 10.8.2023
Registration via the link below by 10.8.2023:
Contact us for further information
If you have any questions, you can contact either Olli Lehtoniemi or Marjaana Hämäläinen, [email protected]
Uppdaterad: 03.07.2023