Rural business services at the ELY Centre for Uusimaa

Here you can find a brief description of the rural business services at the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for Uusimaa. For more information on our different services in Finnish, visit our website

Subscribe to the Rural Development Fund newsletter for current information on subsidies and payments related to agricultural investments, start-up support for young farmers and business support in rural areas. In addition, the newsletter contains stories about projects funded through the Rural Development Programme. The newsletter is in Finnish.

Agricultural investment support                       

See the selection periods here:

Selection periods for financial support under the Rural Development Fund at the ELY Centre for Uusimaa - ely - ELY-keskus

  • Email: maaseuturahoitus(at)

Startup support for young farmers                     

See the selection periods here:

Selection periods for financial support under the Rural Development Fund at the ELY Centre for Uusimaa - ely - ELY-keskus

  • Email: maaseuturahoitus(at)

Business subsidies                                       

See the selection periods here:

Selection periods of business subsidies

  • Email: maaseuturahoitus(at)

Rural construction projects

Consultation services related to construction investments in agriculture, business and development projects.

  • Email: maaseuturahoitus(at)

Rural project subsidies                                   

See the selection periods here:

Selection periods of rural project subsidies

  • Email: maaseuturahoitus(at)

Electronic application

Applications for agricultural investment, start-up support for young farmers and business subsidies for rural areas can be submitted electronically via the Hyrrä system. The Hyrrä service makes it easy to submit an application, monitor the processing of the matter and browse your application information. Applications must be done in Finnish or Swedish. If you wish to employ an interpreter to help you with your funding application, you must pay for the expenses yourself. Please note that we can provide customer service only in Finnish and Swedish.

Read more through these links:

Environmental agreements

  • Email: uudely.sopimukset(a)

Please note! The decisions on support applications are made annually by the application decree.

Management agreement for natural and landscape biodiversity

The areas suitable for the agreement include traditional biotopes, natural pastures as well as areas peripheral to fields and forests, fields and roads, or fields and waterways, as well as forest islets on fields with diverse nature or significant landscapes.  Areas under the agreement are always areas outside fields. An active farmer or an association can enter into the agreement.

Wetland management agreement

You can apply for the agreement for a wetland area, a flood area or a managed land area under a natural channel as well as sufficient peripheral areas. The agreement may be concluded by an active farmer, an association or a corporation under water law.

Agreement for rearing native breeds

Compensation may be granted for animals of native breeds which belong to the farm. The animals must be pure-bred and used for breeding.

Maintenance agreement for native plants

The maintenance agreement for native plants ensures the preservation of old species. You may receive compensation for the maintenance of native plants if you commit to the agreement. A native plant refers to a landrace plant or an old trade plant or represents a modified population of the old trade variety. Native plants may include grassland and forage plants, cereals, vegetables, beets, seed potatoes and oil and fibre crops.

Organic production

You can apply for compensation for organic production for a plant or animal farm and open vegetable farming.

  • Email: uudely.luomu(a)

Consultation fee                                             

Advice is available to all applicants for direct payments or support under the Rural Development Programme (farmers and associations). The advisors selected for the advisory system apply for an advisory allowance for their work at the ELY Centre.

  • Email: uudely.sopimukset(a)

Non-productive investments

You can apply for compensation for non-productive investments for the establishment of wetlands (active farmers, registered associations, water law organisations) and the initial clearing and fencing of traditional biotopes and natural pastures (active farmers and registered associations). Compensation for the establishment of wetlands is applied for through the HYRRÄ service.

  • Email: uudely.sopimukset(a)

Payments of subsidies granted by the ELY Centre for Uusimaa

  • Email: maksatus.uusimaa(a)

Contacts related to agricultural subsidies

Farmer support in Finnish and Swedish, farmers' subsidies, in particular compensation system for environmental protection and  compensatory allowances

  • Email: uudely.sopimukset(a)

Complementary conditions

  • Email: uudely.sopimukset(a)

Interpretations related to the Nitrate Directive

  • Johan Sundberg, +358 295 021 463

Supervision of agricultural subsidies

  • Email: uudely.valvonta(a)

Supervision of livestock subsidies

  • Email: uudely.valvonta(a)

Seed, feed and field supervision

  • Email: uudely.valvonta(a)

Winter supervision, waste oat control, field supervision

  • Email: uudely.valvonta(a)

Field block register and field supervision

  • Email: uudely.valvonta(a)

Field supervision and winter supervision in Swedish

  • Email: uudely.valvonta(a)

Contact details

Uusimaa ELY Centre

  • Postal address: P.O. Box 36, 00521 Helsinki, Finland
  • Street address: Opastinsilta 12 C.
  • Fax: 09 61500 829
  • Email: ​​​​​[email protected]

Uppdaterad: 05.04.2024