Farm investments – Uusimaa


Implementation of Finland's new CAP Strategic Plan (2023-2027) has started. Read more on new CAP here (link).


Applying for support

Selection periods

Online application

The funding application can be filled in online in the Hyrrä service in Finnish or Swedish. The Hyrrä service makes it easy to submit an application, monitor the processing of the application, and browse your own application information.

More information about acricultural investmend aid in Finnish: Maatalouden investointituet - Ruokavirasto

Payment of investment aid

The payment can be applied for based on the final and verifiable costs as approved in the support decision. Documents verifying these costs must be presented. The support may be paid in instalments. The payment of the last instalment must be applied for within 2 months of the deadline for implementing the measure.

Instructions and forms for applying for payment can be found at the following address:

Further information about support

  • E-mail: maaseuturahoitus.uusimaa(at)



Päivitetty: 27.03.2024